l s

Saturday, October 01, 2005

An art adventure

Looking over the supply list for the workshop I'm taking next week, I'm wondering what on earth we're going to do with newspaper photos and dried out markers. We're supposed to bring our usual materials, plus the photos, markers and good quality tracing paper. I'm guessing a design exercise. We also need a tube of white gouache if we want to try our hand at opaque painting after our instructor's demo. I'd like to give it a shot. I'm pretty much a purist in transparent watercolor, but this will be a chance to see how opaque watercolor works. I think I have everything I need now, but I live less than a half hour away from the workshop and can easily get my hands on anything I might have forgotten. All I need to do now is pack it up and throw it in the car. I'll keep you posted about the workshop.

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