l s

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Things are warming up

And not just the temperature. At least we're out of single digits and the sun is shining brightly. It's a gorgeous day; everything seems to sparkle. I now have the pages for my author's review of editorial suggestions on my manuscript and this is a very painstaking process. I'm fortunate to have an editor I've worked with and learned to trust with my creation. I have the book for two weeks and will work on it between baby-sitting three days a week and having a cataract operation on one eye. Ack. Trying to get the edge on it today. This morning I had an early warning from my husband that he'll be wanting my income tax records soon. Double ack.

On the lighter side, our granddaughter's birthday was a huge success. She loved her bean-bag chair and instinctively jumped on it, which is just the thing to do with a bean-bag chair. She had a princess birthday party on Saturday and my daughter had the dancing teacher at the pre-school lead the little girls, appropriately dressed as their favorite princesses, in little dance routines accompanied by the princess songs. Much squealing and shrieking, but no pushing and shoving. No boys allowed, except for her little brother, who came as Prince Philip. At five months of age he watched all the activities with a wide smile on his face.

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